The Greatest Leader is a Vulnerable Warrior

Great leadership requires vulnerability – the willingness to break through the status quo and expectations to move boldly into new territory. This new territory is our future, and it must be taken through an authentic, soul-centered position to help our communities, clients, students, and families rise into their greatest potential. The way of our future is together, valued, and united.

The topic of vulnerability came to the forefront of my mind today because a shaman who has invited me to a personal sweat lodge ceremony next week asked what my thoughts or feelings were about this sacred rite. I told him, vulnerability. At first, he assumed I was fearful of the state of vulnerability, because most people are afraid. But I corrected him, by explaining my belief from my own experience.

I told him that to be vulnerable is to be in a position of strength, not weakness, when we are aligned with our Soul. When we are in alignment with our Soul, or our Soul-Centered Purpose, we are safe and fully supported by Creation. We are also aligned with our Soul’s ability to transform our deepest fears.  

Vulnerability helps us unearth the unconscious blocks we cannot see about ourselves. What the ego sees as weakness, the Souls embraces as opportunities to grow, therefore evolve beyond through what we fear the most. Finding and resolving the roots of our unconscious fears that were seeded many generations ago, not only sets us free, but also frees our ancestors and future generations.

The greatest leaders place themselves in front of the change that must be made. To do this they must be vulnerable enough to face their greatest fears, so they can move themselves forward.  This is what native cultures would call, having the Heart and Soul of a great Warrior. The most honorable and greatest Warrior has the most vulnerable heart of all. These Warriors face what they fear, to forge new paths towards freedom for those they hold precious and swore to protect, not just for duty, but for love.

Our leaders must see those who they guide as precious. To do this requires vulnerability – one of the greatest strengths they can possess. - Carolyn M. Greenleaf
